Contribute to these projects
Education of Muslim Ladies
For so many vulnerable ladies, education is the path to a
brighter future. We believe everyone has the right to an
education and should have the opportunity to learn, grow,
aspire, and achieve a bright future. When you donate to our
education project, you are truly making a difference. With
your help, we can give young people the opportunity to grow.
From providing meals, textbooks to hostel accomodation and
school fees, you can break down barriers and inspire hope.
We are soliciting sponsors/funds for students.
Mosque Cleaning
In Mosques, prayers are performed, mercy is shown, sins are
forgiven, and ranks are raised. Therefore, it is our
responsibility to clean them.
"The mosques of Allah are only to be maintained by those
who believe in Allah and the Last Day and establish prayer
and give zakah and do not fear except Allah, for it is
expected that those will be of the [rightly] guided"
Maintaining and cleaning them are numbered among the best
deeds through which a person can attain high reward, mercy and
Thursday Feeding
Hunger is a global problem
45% of children under five die as a result of poor nutrition
and 1 in 8 people in the world are chronically hungry. When
people are hungry, they become constantly unwell, have low
energy levels, and are sometimes unable to work and support
their families.
We at The Mallam Welfare Home recognize that hunger affects
people in a variety of ways, and so we are seeking funds and
volunteers to continue this project.